What is depression?

A shocker. ‘Depression’ changes people’s vision- Literally.

Yes! New research suggests that depressed people process visual
information differently. This is because sadness alters the brain’s
cortical processing which is responsible for visuals.

Approximately 280 million people in the world are suffering from

Are you one of the sufferers?

Is sadness being sad and dull?

What exactly is depression?

Depression is a common yet serious mood disorder. When our
expectations are dashed, or worse, when our goals go unmet we are
shattered! At some point in life, everybody goes through upset in
response to unexpected twists of fate. Fortunately, it’s curable.

Every human experiences sadness from time to time. It is a normal form of human emotion. Sadness may mimic despair. It will pass with
time, but, depression is more than being sad.

It creeps into your daily life and disturbs you in all aspects. You find it
hard to find joy and to do the things you loved the most.

But sadness is considered a disorder when the low mood and other
symptoms persist for more than two weeks. It highly affects both your
mental and physical health.

What causes Depression?

Studies have consistently shown that sorrow is majorly associated
with stress. The higher the stress encountered, the higher the
. Generally, moodiness arises in response to some failure of
events. Now, does this means discouragement for misfortunes? People who are super successful in their careers also face sadness.

Popular celebrities have also made open statements about their upset
phase. The causes can be any stressful event or even might be genetic
in some cases. There are various causes and types of them including
major clinical depression. A few types are

postpartum depression
persistent depressive disorder
premenstrual dysphoric disorder
seasonal affective disorder.

Also, it can appear out of the blu, for no obvious reasons.

Symptoms of Depression

Hopeless and Helpless: The feeling that nothing will ever get better
and the belief of ‘there is no way to make the situation any better
Weight or appetite changes: Noticeable weight loss or weight gain
may occur. Significant change of more than 5% of your body
weight in a month. Overeating or undereating can be spotted.

No More Interested: Nothing interests you. You don’t show
interest in your favorite hobby or time pass. Not even your go-to
activities lift your mood. People with depression might experience
insomnia or hypersomnia.

Hot under the collar: Being angry and irritated for no reason.
Your tolerance level has enormously decreased. Everything and
everyone gets on your nerves and may end up in violence.

Change in sleep cycle: Improper sleep cycle kills even the minds
of the best mental health.

Zero energy: You may feel even the more minor tasks drain your
energy and you feel completely exhausted. Feeling fatigued,
sluggish, and tired.

Self-loathing: You harshly hate and criticize yourself for perceived
faults. The strong feeling of guilt and self-worthlessness haunts

Poor concentration: You find it difficult to make decisions, lack
focus, and hardly remember things.

Suicidal thoughts: The crucial stage would be suicidal thoughts.

Depressive symptoms can vary with gender

Men: Men think of themselves as strong and in control of their
emotions. Hence it often failed to notice them in depression.
Depressed men mask their feelings of self-loathing and
. Their symptoms include anger, ruthless behavior,
fatigue, irritability, and abuse.

Women: Women produce more stress hormones than men.
They experience depression at a higher rate than men. Menstrual
problems, pregnancy, infertility, postpartum depression,
menopause, body shaming, and many more.

Are you with any of these symptoms or under any form of depression?
Here are some easy ways to reduce them. You can also opt for
supplements. Be sure to consult your doctor before any medication intake.


1. Get a good night’s rest

● Sleep is underrated in this super busy world. People with
depression either can’t sleep or sleep too much.
● Improper sleep schedule only helps in worsening your situation.
● Try regulating your sleeping cycle and watch the results for
● Listen to some soothing music to put your mind at ease.
● Be careful while choosing over-the-counter sleep aids. Always
follow your doctor’s advice.

2. Say no to alcohol and drugs

● Alcohol is a natural depressant. In some cases, Alcohol might be
the sole reason for depression.
● If you think it’s the alcohol that’s making you depressed then you
should strictly avoid alcohol.
● If required, seek help from your doctor. Consider attending group
therapy sessions and letting your heart out.

3. Meditation

Meditation puts your mind at peace.
● People who meditate tend to live longer and happier. It can give
you a sense of calm, peace, and balance that can uplift your
emotional and mental well-being.
● Anxiety and stress are the two main factors that accelerate
depression. Meditation helps you to kill these two factors by
training your brain to focus on one thing.
● When negative energy knocks on your door, meditation redirects
your focus on that one thing, allowing the depression to pass.

4. Try new things and have fun

● Is there something you always wanted to do?
● What about that solo trip you planned long before?
● When are you going to join the course you always wanted to take?
● Enough of thinking! Get out of your bed and do it!
● It is not easy to have fun when you’re depressed. You might stay
out of certain things thinking you won’t nail them. But different
people and different cultures bring out the different versions of
YOU. Give it a try so you don’t regret missing the opportunity later.
● But having fun doesn’t mean just getting out to dance or jump
around. For me, it’s a friend’s stay-in-night, with yummy
home-cooked food and my favorite show to watch. Do things that
interest you.

5. Start Small

Small steps make a big difference.
It is difficult to focus on many things, especially when you are
. Start taking on small responsibilities. It can be as small as
taking your dog on a walk, watering your plants, or writing your blog.
Take part in activities that give you a sense of achievement and

6. Food to overcome depression.

● Researchers from the University of Basel and the University of
Psychiatric clinics in Basel(UPK) have reported that probiotics can
support treatments with antidepressants.

● Depressants who consumed probiotics with their supplements for
31 days straight showed distinct improvement in depressive
symptoms and brain activities responsible for emotional

● Vitamin B6 helps in calming anxiety. Tuna, Chickpeas, fish, beef
liver, starchy vegetables, and fruits (other than citric) are good
sources of vitamin B6.
Depression might be trying to Tell us something. The question is, are we
ready to listen?

Give yourself the required time to heal. Don’t be hard on yourself.


If you are struggling with depression, it’s important to tell your doctor or care resources about your feelings and to get help. You may need therapy if you’re not feeling well enough to do so on your own.